Solar power is the most popular and cheapest renewable energy source, thus the below focuses on off-grid and on-grid options based on solar energy.  

PS! Click on the + sign to see DISADVANTAGES

Advantages and disadvantages of OFF-GRID housing

Overall, the industry for solar power is developing quickly, competition is increasing, prices are decreasing and technologies are constantly becoming more efficient. Solar energy in Europe is expected to represent at least 36% of the total electricity production by 2050, which is a major increase from the 5% in 20211.

There are many factors to consider and trade-offs to be made when going totally off-grid, but in the big picture, solar energy is environmentally more sustainable and can result in considerable savings.

Advantages and disadvantages of on-grid housing

Advantages and disadvantages of ON-GRID SOLAR systems

How to decide which solar energy strategy is best for you?

Here is a list of questions that need answers before a decision on solar strategy is made: 

1. Plot location 

How many sunlight hours are there throughout the year? 

2. House location  

Is there only direct sunlight or also some shadow? Should the panels be on the roof or as a solar park? 

3. Possibility and cost of connecting to the grid?  

This is a major factor to consider when calculating the best return on investment.  

4. Surface area of the house 

This is important to know if heating and/or air-conditioning is going to be needed. How many months per year would heating and air-conditioning be used?  

5. Full list of appliances that need to be connected and their energy usage 

This list is long: heating and air-conditioning related equipment, water heating and treatment equipment, ventilation equipment, kitchen appliances, cleaning appliances, TV, electric car etc. In addition, is a smart house solution being used (it can save up to 20% of energy use)? 

6. Energy usage  

How many days per week is the house in use and how many hours (e.g., 9 am – 6 pm not in use). How many people use it on average? 

7. Are there alternative energy sources available? 

Does the house have a fire place or other source of alternative energy (e.g., diesel generator). Would you be willing to spend some days with live fire and candles only if the sun would not be shining and batteries need refilling? 

Based on the above information it is possible to calculate the approximate initial cost and return on investment of each option and analyse the different solutions to choose the optimal one.